Box Front
The front of the box looks fairly minimal, with a graphic design that features various ASRock exclusive features, along the bottom there are various compulsory mentions such as FM2/2+ socket, A88X chipset, DTS and Home Cloud.

Rear side of box
At the back we find a neatly laid out list of features that is easy to read, alongside an image of the product and some listed specifications.

Included accessories
Included with the motherboard we find 4 SATA cables, an I/O shield, a multilingual installation guide, a software setup guide, A leaflet about the home cloud feature, and of course the driver disc.

Overview of the A88X Extreme6+
Under the hard photography light we see that the motherboard is 'brown', however, to the eye and in natural lighting it is much darker and much more attractive, it would have been nicer if it was black, but at least it isn't green! Overall the board looks well laid out with plenty of expansion options and some hefty phase power circuitry.