Cougar Revenger Review

👤by Tony Le Bourne Comments 📅16-10-16
Software & Lighting

The Cougar UIX software can be downloaded from the product page and though is not required for operation of the Revenger mouse, it is recommended to access full features and customisations. You can customise and save three profiles onboard, and each profile can toggle between 3 DPI settings. There are controls including angle snap, lift of distance adjustment as well as various performance relevant settings. Each button on the mouse is programmable to which you can easily assign commands or custom macros. The macro recorder is fairly complex with a variety of options, though it doesn't record the mouse side buttons or trigger, it does however record the main clicks and mouse wheel.

The lighting effect on the Revenger is vibrant and attractive and in its default colour cycle mode, you get a split tone appearance that makes the transition of colours look more interesting and fluid. There are static and breathing modes available too, but I quite liked the colour cycle.

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