Lian Li PC-O8 Review

👤by David Mitchelson Comments 📅22-11-15
RGB LED Lighting

One of the fundamental features with PC-O8 is the lighting system. Lian Li has equipped this case with a RGB lighting hub and respective dials so that users can furnish the inside of the chassis with the included three LED strips to really liven the system up. RGB lighting is a perfect accompaniment for PC-O8 because the components are so exposed – the glass panels put this case forward as a showcase piece.

To get up and running with the LED strips the cables simply need to be attached to the back of the hub and a SATA power is required too (PSU needs to be removed).

Once all the cables are correctly attached and with the system powered on we can use the dials to adjust to a colour which is most suitable. The beauty with the LED strips and configuration (LED50RGB-2) which Lian Li supply is that a wide-selection of colours are available in the RGB spectrum.

The LEDs are vibrant and illuminate the internals of PC-O8 very well indeed. There are lots of different arrangements that can be used but above is an example of how our system looks with green selected as the theme. The great thing is – it’s easy to set up and only requires a SATA connection to operate.

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