Ozone Neon 3K Review

👤by Tony Le Bourne Comments 📅09-07-16
Performance Testing

Setup, Design & Observations
The Neon 3K will work at default settings without the drivers, though for full functionality it is recommended that you install the software driver. Once setup and you have the mouse in your hands you will notice that the textured surface feels impressively good, not like the rubberised coating of days past. I found that the Neon 3K is comfortable using any grip style and it isn't too heavy for those that like to fingertip. Some may prefer a larger mouse, or an ergonomically shaped mouse for a palm grip, but as an ambidextrous mouse you would never find that here anyway. The main clicks are very satisfying and responsive, while the mouse wheel feels sturdy and reliable. This quality extends to the side buttons also.

Overall there is little else to note, it weights 110g (without cable) has a smooth flat base making navigation seamless and precise.

One of the strong points of the 3320 sensor is that it has good tracking across various surfaces so we put it to the test. Like with our previous outing using the 3320 sensor with the DX-20, the tracking was flawless across black fabric mouse mat, white paper, plain card, glossy desktop veneer, though struggled a little on coloured glossy magazine. At the maximum 3500DPI there was a small amount of jitter, though its a shame that the software doesn't offer any angle snapping or lift-off-distance controls as this could be introduced by default values.

In game, we found it to be a pleasure in both high speed games like CS:GO and DOTA2, or in more slow paced games like... Lethal League (ikr) or FFXIV: A Realm Reborn. Having an optical sensor makes the the movement responsive and reliable without any acceleration.

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