Box Front
The front of the box is typical ZOTAC design with the now trademark matt black and orange design so familiar with ZOTAC products. The sticker toward the top left shows that this is one of the products which include Borderlands 2. AMP! Edition is emblazoned across the mid section with a double barrelled Dual Silencer figurine toward the right-centre.
Box Rear
The Rear of the package features a line diagram of the card along with a contents list written in multiple languages below.
Box Inner
Removing the outer sleeve, we are greeted with a glossy black box and upon opening this we finally get our first glimpse of the card which is held fast in place by a rigid foam bracket.
The accessory list is short but sweet enough as it includes a free game of high quality (Borderlands 2). Also included are a pair of twin MOLEX-6pin PCIe power adapters and a VGA-DVI adapter. Three pamphlets are also included should you be unsure of the product you have bought or more pertinently, how to install it.