He may never have asked for this, but legions of Deus Ex fans certainly did. Yes, Adam Jensen is back, returning as the protagonist in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided from Eidos Montreal.
Taking place in 2029, Mankind Divided is set two years after the catastrophic events of Human Revolution, where augmented individuals ran amok thanks to the twisted schemes of human augmentation's creator. However none of the four distinct Human Evolution 'endings' are apparently canonical; instead the crisis appears to be ongoing, with society as a whole still in flux over the question of augmentee rights.
Once again Game Informer has exclusive details of the game's development, setting and deviations from the existing formula, but being a Deus Ex title it likely that Eidos Montreal haven't come close to spoiling the bulk of in-game story. Perhaps most importantly there appears to be a continued commitment to a multiple solution design, maybe even with branching story elements, which means a return of the stealth-based gameplay enjoyed by so many in the earlier title.
One further curious point is that in echoing the announcement AMD stated the new title will support both DirectX12 and TressFX (whilst the trailer shows that once again it will part of AMD's Gaming Evolved stable). This would make it one of the first titles to officially support DX12, boosting its PC performance significantly under the right conditions but limiting it to Windows 10 on the PC.
Square Enix hasn't issued a release date for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, although preorders are apparently available; we should mention however that preordering sight-unseen is unwise at this stage. The game is being released for PC and next generation consoles only.
More information will no doubt be available at DeusEx.com, at least, when it's recovered from crashing under the strain.