Diablo 3's first expansion, Reaper of Souls, has just been granted a release date. Set to go live on 25th March 2014, the digital version is also now available for pre-purchase directly from Blizzard for $39.99 (Standard Edition) or $59.99 (Digital Deluxe) in the US. The UK pricing is a little higher by comparison, set at £32.99 (SE) or £47.99 (DE).
Reaper of Souls follows on from the story of Diablo 3 where (spoiler warning) Diablo has just been defeated and Tyrael is secreting the Black Soulstone away from those who might abuse it. Unfortunately he's not counted on the machinations of Malthael, the self-styled Angel Of Death, who seeks to bend the Soulstone to his own ends and eradicate the taint of humanity from Sanctuary. As one of the Nephalem you are charged once again with protecting the land from those who would do it harm.

Included in the expansion is a new character class - the Crusader. An extension of the Paladin from Diablo 2, these generally melee warriors wield Holy magic with sword, mace and shield. With him, or the classes from Diablo 3, you'll fight your way through the new Act V which centres on the land of Westmarch and the Pandemonium Fortress. As well as new enemies you'll also have the chance to acquire new loot (based on the updated Loot 2.0 system), skills and abilities as your experience with your character grows.
The release of Reaper of Souls coincides with the closing of both Real Money and Gold Auction Houses. Although wildly successful un terms of use, Blizzard felt that their implementation negated the value in some of the game system, especially the acquiring of new gear, such that it greatly reduces excitement once the main quest line is completed. In furtherance to that new gameplay systems such as Adventure Mode and Bounties are aimed to keep you playing well after you have completed the central quest.
Blizzcon's New Feature Trailer For RoS
You can check out more on Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls at the official site. The Digital Deluxe Edition also includes transmogrification gear for your character and in-game rewards for World of Warcraft and Starcraft 2.