Epic Games' Paragon Announce Trailer Looks Stunning in 4K

👤by Tim Harmer Comments 📅07.12.2015 14:45:10

Epic Games, the studio behind Gears of War and the Unreal Engine, have this weekend released both their announcement and gameplay trailers for their new MOBA: Paragon. Built using cutting-edge Unreal Engine 4 technology, current builds of the game look stunning - and you can see that for yourself in the game's 4K trailer:

Paragon Announcement Trailer

The above footage is in-engine, rather than strictly in-game, and so there's no guarantee that you'll actually see these level of detail when it launches next Summer. It shouldn't be too long before we get some idea of the game's actual fidelity however: paid Early Access begins in the Spring with an Open Beta cranking up sometime this Summer. Until then here's some Alpha gameplay footage to whet your appetite.

Paragon Gameplay First-look (Alpha)

As a MOBA Paragon is a closed arena multiplayer title with small teams, but the game differs from the traditional style through the use of an over-the-shoulder rather than fixed-perspective camera. The title aims to be 'deeply strategic', likely referring not only to team composition but also impactful Hero skills that do more than 'deal n damage'.

Paragon is set for release on both PC and PS4 with a payment model yet to be determined.

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