For a limited time you can buy a DIY G-Sync Kit from NVIDIA for the ASUS VG248QE

👤by Craig Farren Comments 📅20.01.2014 11:06:11

We heard a lot about G-Sync at CES this year. It is a technology developed by NVIDIA to synchronize your display refresh rates and GPU to eliminate screen tearing and minimize display stutter and input lag. This is designed to bring you a much better gaming experience with sharper objects and smoother gameplay.

If you have an ASUS VG248QE you can purchase the kit and mod your monitor to get the benefits of G-Sync now. NVIDIA have kindly provided and installation guide and an instructional video on what to do and have stated that the process should take around 30 minutes.

However, this should be undertaken only by those who are confident or experienced with hardware modding. NVIDIA have provided the following disclaimer.

Note that unless directly caused by NVIDIA’s own negligence, NVIDIA is not responsible for any product damage or warranty issues, including, but not limited to, the voiding of a third party product warranty that may occur by using, integrating or substituting the warrantied product with or into third party product.

If any of our readers do this we'd love to see a build log and hear your impressions in our forums. The kit costs $199 and is available only to US and Canada residents at this time.


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