Well if this isn't one of the worst idea's ever than I shudder to think what idea's are out there that are worse! A patent filed in 2011 by Microsoft describes "Content Distribution Regulation by Viewing User".
This could limit the "number of user views, a number of user views over time, a number of simultaneous user views, views tied to user identities, views limited to user age or any variation or combination thereof."
If you break any of the terms, you'd be prompted for "remedial action." If you don't take it, the content shuts off.
If you break any of the terms, you'd be prompted for "remedial action." If you don't take it, the content shuts off.
What does that mean exactly? The camera (not specifically mentioned as being the Kinect but join the dots and you'll see it probably is) controls the media playback by detecting who is actually watching the movie or TV show. If there are too many people in the room, sitting, standing, leaning or crouching in front of the screen, the camera will detect this and stop playing unless you either kick the extras out or pay for additional viewing licenses!
Now just because a patent has been filed doesn't mean it will be implemented. However, in case it does, you may want to keep your torches and pitchforks within reach as I can imagine this will annoy a lot of people.
Source: www.shacknews.com