(Image courtesy of wikipedia)
Well isn't that a breathe of fresh air? A publisher is actually listening to their customers and implementing features into a game that are being requested. These features include the ability to reset all outposts so you can assault them all over again and a higher difficulty mode called Master.
The enhancements don't stop there as there is also changes with multiplayer as well. Players who like to create maps will be presented with a "more intuitive feedback interface" as well as the ability to add tags to the content requesting feedback to help enhance the map. Along with this is a beta map testing facility so editors are now no longer required to simply publish a map to see how it works. These changes are likely to trickle out over the next few patches.
Given Far Cry 3's popularity, these are very welcome additions and we hope that Ubisoft continue to support this game.
For a full list of changes in more detail see the Ubisoft forum post in the source and don't forget to discuss this in our forums.
Source: forums.ubi.com