OverclockersUK Begin Black Friday Preparations

👤by Tim Harmer Comments 📅24.11.2015 15:51:58

That great American import the Black Friday sale is set to start soon across the UK, but etailers in particular are keen to grab your attention early so you (and they) don't miss out on a wide range of reduced price products. Staffordshire-based OverclockersUK are one such etailer, and in a Prepare For Black Friday alert they've outlined what you can expect from the wallet-busting festivities.

For Overclockers the Black Friday sale will open up at 9am on Thursday 26th and continue until Tuesday morning (or while stocks last), including the traditional Cyber Monday. Thanks to their Next Day Delivery option you'll even be able to enjoy your bargains on the Friday itself should that float your boat. They're planning to list around one hundred items, and if last year is any indication there will be some cracking offers that sell out very quickly indeed. With that in mind you may also want to ensure that payment details are on record with them before the day in question, making the checkout process as swift as possible.

Notably OCUK also list temporary sale items under their This Week Only section, and they want to make it clear that any product listed under that banner from Wednesday will not be included in the Black Friday sale. As a result you can buy one of Wednesday's reduced This Week Only items in confidence, knowing that you won't be stiffed just 24 hours later.

For more information visit https://www.overclockers.co.uk/news/prepare-for-black-friday-43.html, and the deals themselves will be visible at https://www.overclockers.co.uk/black-friday when Thursday rolls around.