Silicon Power release WiFi enabled SD cards

👤by Craig Farren Comments 📅03.07.2013 04:05:57

We can all agree that digital camera's are fantastic! However, having to connect them to your PC just to get the pictures off is incredibly annoying and often inconvenient. Thankfully the good folk at Silicon Power have found a solution in WiFi enabled Class 10 SD cards.

With the concept of “shoot and view” and “instant sharing”, Sky Share S10 offers you an ideal way to preserve and share all your precious memories with ease and convenience. Taking advantage of wireless capacity, Sky Share S10 gets rid of troublesome and time-consuming steps and greatly simplifies the media-transferring process.

Android and iOS apps are available to connect your camera with the WiFi card in it or it can be accessed via a smart Web UI. While this is convenient you have to keep in mind that transferring photos over WiFi is slower than via USB.

These cards come in both SD and Micro SD format and are available with 16 and 32GB capacity, transmit at the standard 2.4Ghz frequency and have a 2 year warranty. No prices have been announced as of yet.


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