DLSS Analysis: 3DMark DLSS
Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS) is an NVIDIA RTX technology that uses the power of deep learning and AI to improve game performance while maintaining visual quality.
Page 1: Introduction Page 2: Technical Specifications Page 3: Closer Look Page 4: Test Setup & Methodology Page 5: Power, Temperatures, Acoustics Page 6: DX12: 3DMark Time Spy Page 7: DX12: 3DMark Port Royal Page 8: DX11: Unigine SuperPosition Page 9: DX12: Horizon Zero Dawn Page 10: DX12: Control Page 11: DX12: Shadow of the Tomb Raider Page 12: DX12: F1 2020 Page 13: DX12: A Total War Saga: TROY Page 14: DLSS Analysis: 3DMark DLSS Page 15: Ray Tracing Analysis: Control Page 16: Conclusion