Speedlink Wii Bubble Chuk

👤by David Mitchelson Comments 📅24-01-10
Speedlink Bubble Chuk
The Bubble Chuk comes in a tightly sealed plastic enclosure which is transparent allowing you to have a full view of the product inside. It informs you of all the features of the Bubble Chuk and also reveals the wide range of colours available. The only downside to this packaging is that you have to take the scissors to it, destroy the packaging and run the risk of damaging the product inside.

Inside the package we have two items, the Bubble Chuk itself and a gratis skin which is to be used on your Wiimote. Some may find this skin beneficial as it allows the Bubble Chuk and the Wiimote to be a similar colour, that is, if you have a white WiiMote. However, some may choose not to use this skin as in actual fact it looks rather silly on a white Wiimote. It all depends on the preference of the user.

The Bubble Chuk in its packet

The contents of the Bubble Chuk

Larger buttons than the original Nunchuk

The new bubble chuk is a new innovation by Speedlink to accompany the Wii Nunchuk family. In essence, it follows the similar style to the Nunchuk but is smaller with a larger joystick head and is more circular in shape. The small bubble allows easier handling enabling it to be more secure in your hand. The original Wii Nunchuk is better suited to those with smaller hands, but the shape and size of the Bubble Chuk facilitates all hands especially those with larger hands and therefore suits the needs of all gamers! The buttons ‘C’ and ‘Z’ are in the usual place with the ‘C’ button being bigger and the ‘Z’ button being the same size as the original Wii Nunchuk. Fitted on the back of the bubble chuk is a soft grip which provides a secure hold during gaming. The Bubble Chuk has 1.2 metres of cable which allows each gamer to move around with more ease and freedom! The connector is fully compatible with the Wiimote and the WiiMotionPlus. The bubble chuk comes in an assorted range of colours; red, black, blue and green with the skin gratis being the same colour as the Bubble Chuk.

The thumbpad is also bigger

Fully compatible with Wii Motion Plus

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