👤by Tony Le Bourne Comments 📅17-06-16
Closer Look: Keyboard

The backlighting surrounds the keys well, though doesn't penetrate the keycaps a great deal, only standing out in the dark. There are various lighting effects you can select from, including off, static lighting, breathing effect, breathing with colour rotation as well as a spectrum rotate that shifts between Red, purple, magenta, violet and blue. You can adjust the effect speed, as well as brightness in 25% increments.

There are Fn media keys to control skip forward/back, play/pause, stop, volume up/down and mute. Farther along, you will find the lighting effects (static, pulse, colour breathing and spectrum cycling).

Fn + print screen disables the window key, while pause/break toggles between which colour you desire while on static (red, blue, purple). Fn + pg up/down controls the brightness while Fn + numlock locks the whole keyboard.

Hard to escape the full brunt of unnecessary features, as the edges are coated in a metal-look sticker (and sold a s a feature)

The large bezel running along the bottom edge doesn't quite act as a wrist rest, though the overall height of the keys seems about the same as the majorty.

The plunger switches can use interchangeable keycaps, these give the keyboard a slight mechanical-feel to them as well as having interchangeable keycaps.

The underside shows a tough construction, with large non-slip feet, at the top there are some feet where you would commonly expect them, allowing you to adjust the height/angle.

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