Nvidia To Re-Enable Laptop GPU Overclocking

👤by Tim Harmer Comments 📅20.02.2015 12:06:59

Turns out that Nvidia does listen to their audience when they speak loudly and with a coherent enough voice. Last week it was widely reported that Nvidia had deliberately blocked mobile GPU overclocking with the release of the GeForce 347.29 driver update, citing the fact that GeForce laptop are not designed for the non-trivial voltage and cooling requirements. However after a outcry from concerned forum goers and members of the enthusiast press it appears that Nvidia have had a re-think:

As you know, we are constantly tuning and optimizing the performance of your GeForce PC.

We obsess over every possible optimization so that you can enjoy a perfectly stable machine that balances game, thermal, power, and acoustic performance.

Still, many of you enjoy pushing the system even further with overclocking.

Our recent driver update disabled overclocking on some GTX notebooks. We heard from many of you that you would like this feature enabled again. So, we will again be enabling overclocking in our upcoming driver release next month for those affected notebooks.

If you are eager to regain this capability right away, you can also revert back to 344.75.

It will be a little while before new drivers are issued, and naturally overclocking remains at your own risk. Still, it's a nice PR boost for the green team who have some in for no small amount of flack recently due not only to this but also the continuing GeForce GTX 970 4GB/3.5GB memory saga.

SOURCE: Official Forums

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